HumiSoil® – Broadleaf Hemp


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HumiSoil® is a humus-rich soil enhancer encapsulating the key technologies pioneered by VRM Biologik® for soil enhancement. This product helps build humus in soil.

HumiSoil® helps to stimulate natural biological reactions responsible for organic matter conversion and the adsorption and digestion of some negative substances in soil. With continued use, this product assists in the maintenance of healthy soil biology. Regular use of HumiSoil® incubates in place the natural biological activity responsible for water manufacture in soil. 

Manufactured using the Groundswell® process, HumiSoil® is an organically based product in which the biological reactions which result in the formation of humus have already been started. This pre-fostering of humus manufacture allows you to speed up the natural process of humus formation in your soil.

HumiSoil® is best used in tandem with VRM Biologik®’s XLR8® Bio.

Directions for Use
Application to Soil
Apply to soil surface at rates of between 2 to 4 tonnes per hectare (1 to 2 tonnes per acre) according to intended growing activity. For best results spray VRM Biologik® XLR8® Bio over HumiSoil® before lightly tilling in.

Crop Type First Application
(Tonnes/ Ha)
(Tonnes/ Ha)
Special instructions
Before ground preparation
4 - Sprinkle to ground surface prior to
forming growing mound. Applicable
for broadacre crops, and
horticulture/ vegetables.

At ground preparation
4 - Sprinkle to ground surface prior to

After ground preparation
4 - Sprinkle to ground surface of
prepared growing mound.
Field crops (ie,corn, sugar cane, cassava, etc)

- 2 Sprinkle under tree canopy
(preferably in a circle at or near the
extension of leaf canopy rather than
directly around the trunk). Apply 3
times during the growing season,
with fertiliser application.

- Sprinkle to floor of pond prior to
fertilising and 10 days prior to filling

4 - Sprinkle to floor of pond prior to
fertilising and 10 days prior to filling

Land Recovery 20
– 50 Dosage dependent on soil type and
conditions. Spread material across
surface before lightly tilling and
rolling flat. Consult with VRM
Biologik® Technical Staff for specific