Australian Hemp Council Presidents report - December 2023
Major AHC industry win!
NSW regulators have granted special permission for Broadleaf Hemp to grow hemp for fibre processing which had tested just over the limit of .05% THC. The Queensland authorities had rejected a special permission proposal citing the fact that Ministerial discretion was not even allowed. The AHC, suggested and supported a request by Broadleaf to grow the crop in NSW, with the request now being granted for biomass products.
It is heartening to see the NSW government demonstrating its support for the hemp industry by allowing practical actions under special circumstances. This decision has prevented a 2 year delay in fibre production and development for Broadleaf Hemp.
The Daily Telegraph;
Business calls for farmers to grow hemp
HEMP may be the way forward for Northern Rivers farmers looking to diversify.
Hemp for horses: No, it won't get them high
LOCAL business Broadleaf Hemp will launch Hemp for Horses at Primex and Beef Week in Casino.
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